It is a good new for all guys out there in London because from now on you need consult a doctor to buy Viagra as these are available at local chemists after the nationwide scheme launched by Boots.
According to the scheme, stores in different parts of the country will directly sell these erectile dysfunction drugs to men after they agree to undergo a half-hour consultation with the pharmacist. These pharmacists will just conduct some prescreening questionnaire, analyze medical records and will also conduct a series of blood tests to check the blood pressure, glucose content and cholesterol problem. These preliminary efforts are to ensure the safety of the guy and to protect from any health problem.
The scheme was implemented as a trial in the Boots stores in the city of Manchester first. James Longden, pharmacist says that men had come from different parts of the country to buy these small blue pills. He also added that most men were positive about it and were not reluctant to say what they needed.
The cost for the initial screening and pack of 4 tablets is around 55 pounds and the price is only 26.59 pounds if you want another 4 pills.
According to studies, erectile dysfunction affects one is 10 men in the country and it is known only 10 percent of the total 2.3 million suffering are being treated. But Boots research also proved that 47 percent of these men prefer to be silent than to speak out of their problem. Hope this scheme would atleast help these men to get a solution to their problem soon.