A Stage that Every Woman must be Aware of
Entering Menopause
If you are a woman then you would be going through this at some point in your life. Just like entering your puberty or the first stage where you started being a woman by having your first period, entering menopause also means a new stage in your life. It doesn’t mean you are growing old but definitely means that your body is getting over its reproductive stage. Like all things in nature, our bodies are very complex and follow a definite pattern. The stages of menopause are also different from one woman to another. It varies in age and pattern. While for many women it comes as pain less for more others it comes to be psychological.
There can be certain weaknesses associated with it as well. For every woman it is good if she consults a proper gynecologist and also checks with her nutrition as well as daily habits. Daily processes of relaxation, having adequate fun and laughter and less stress in these years are very important. With less stress and a happy life one can sail through menopause.
Taking of EFAs and especially supplements like fish oil, evening primrose oil, borage oil, magnesium and calcium are also important to elevate the conditions of menopause. It is also good to do relaxing exercises like walking in natural environments, yoga, pilates and aerobics. Usually most women face menopause in their 40s while some may face earlier and many more can face it later. When you go through a cycle of not having your periods for over a year or when you see drop in your cycle while you have been regular most of your life, then may be you are going through menopause. However a gynecologist can usually be able to guide you gently on whether it is menopause you are facing or if it is something else. There are other things which may be the cause of your missing periods. But usually if you around your 40s or more and have missed your periods for over a year, it is the case of menopause.
There are definitely medicines which can help you go through this including mood switch, increased anxiety, etc. Hot flashes, headaches and even back pains can come with these syndromes. The hormonal imbalance can come with varied signs which can be puzzling and different from one woman to another.